Pubblicato il 26 February 2024 da Redazione in Actuality, Events, Italy and Monaco, What to Visit in Monaco

Il Teatro della vita: new Italian association in Monaco

Cultural project "The Consciousness of Knowledge
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Immagine Il Teatro della vita: new Italian association in Monaco

The Monegasque cultural association “Il Teatro della Vita” was born out of the enthusiasm and love for art in its various forms and expressions by its President, Carolina Mosti, and the other founding members.

“Il Teatro della Vita” is a non-profit organization, a cultural project that aims to develop through theatrical performances, events, conferences, and concerts what has become its motto: “The Consciousness of Knowledge.”

Following the extraordinary success of the first performance held on January 30th titled “Questo matrimonio s’ha da fare?” (This Marriage Must Take Place?), a stunning show performed by Massimiliano Finazzer Flory, accompanied by the magnificent music played by Matteo Fedeli on the 1706 Guarneri violin, another exclusive event is scheduled.

On Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at 7:00 PM, Fulvio Rombo will perform on the stage of “Il Teatro della Vita” with “Profanazione” (Profanation).

Literary meeting with Fulvio Rombo Fulvio Rombo will talk about his latest book, “Profanazione” (Profanation), published by Golem Edizioni, in the company of journalist Cinzia Colman. Readings and brief musical interventions are planned.

After the success of “Ayahuasca,” a novel in which Pietro Genovese first appeared and won the first prize at Garfagnana in Giallo 2022, the protagonists return in “Profanazione,” Fulvio Rombo’s latest work published by Golem Edizioni.

For this occasion, “Il Teatro della Vita” hosts the author, who will engage in a dialogue with journalist Cinzia Colman.

Readings will be conducted by Laura Trimarchi, Vincenzo Genduso, and Francesca Franco.


F rombo, ProfanazioneBIOGRAPHY

Fulvio Rombo was born in Sanremo in 1972. He graduated in Psychology from the University of Turin in 1996, specializing in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Milan. He also completed philosophical studies at the University of Genoa, obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy (2008) and a master’s degree in Philosophical Methodologies (2012). Currently, he practices as a Psychotherapist for Developmental Age.

He has always written stories, poems, and songs as possible means of narrating, expressing oneself, and attempting to reconnect with meaning. The disenchanted and attentive gaze on our time, the persistent search for forms of beauty and redemption, the encounter/clash with evil, pain, death, and mystery are recurring themes in his writings and poetic and musical works.

He has participated in various literary awards, mainly focused on detective and noir stories. As a finalist in several competitions, he won the first prize at Garfagnana in Giallo – Barga Noir with the story “La terrazza” in 2017 and at the Grasparossa Castelnero Noir Crime Festival with the story “Uccidi chi vuoi” in 2020.

After publishing a novel with L’Erudita in 2018, “Era meglio orfani,” he published the first noir novel “Ayahuasca” in May 2022, winning the 2022 Garfagna in Giallo Award in the classical section.

Programming 2024

Théâtre des Muses 45 Bd du Jardin Exotique, 98000 Monaco