Pubblicato il 2 July 2024 da Redazione in Actuality in Monaco, Monaco

Organization of a national cybersecurity exercise

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Immagine Organization of a national cybersecurity exercise

A national cybersecurity exercise named “TARTARE,” aimed at evaluating the response capabilities of the Monegasque Digital Security Agency (AMSN) and the departments of the Interministerial Delegation in charge of Digital Transition (DITN), took place on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at the National Crisis Management Center, activated for the occasion. Developed by the French company Orange Cyber Defense, the complex and multifaceted scenario played out was inspired by real events that numerous entities worldwide fall victim to daily. In addition to the technical dimension, the State, through the Ministry of the Interior and with the active involvement of several Ministerial Departments, also mobilized by organizing a simulation that allowed for refining the final arrangement of the Major Event Management Plan (GEVIM), which will come into effect in the coming months and will replace the ORMOSE plan. On this occasion, a new management tool that allows for collecting, structuring, and processing information from the various departments involved in the exercise was also tested at the National Crisis Management Center. At the end of the exercise, which went overall perfectly, a “RETEX” (Feedback) session was organized with all participants, highlighting the strengths and areas for improvement of the arrangement and its organization.