Pubblicato il 11 January 2024 da Redazione in Actuality

Tourisme : bilan positif des fêtes de fin d’année

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Immagine Tourisme : bilan positif des fêtes de fin d’année

At the beginning of this year, the Tourism and Congress Directorate of Monaco, and its director Guy Antognelli, unveiled remarkable results for the year-end holiday period. Hotels reported an average occupancy of 50% at Christmas, well exceeding the usual average for the last month of the year. Conversely, the New Year period recorded a spectacular 90% occupancy, surpassing all expectations.

What are the nationalities of the main visitors? Nearly half of the customers who frequented hotels or restaurants are French or Italian, surpassing the figures from 2019 and 2022. “A significant increase in American attendance is also noted, in continuity with the trend observed at the beginning of 2023,” Guy Antognelli explains.

Are there truly attractive events and animations for the country’s tourism? The city’s decoration, at the Christmas Village and on Place du Casino, plays a crucial role, both in attracting local-regional customers who come for a day and in enticing international customers “because Monaco comes alive during the holidays and offers an exceptional experience, generating extremely positive feedback from visitors,” confirms the Director of Tourism.

What trends are confirmed in the forecast for 2024? The projections are optimistic. “We hope for a massive return of Italian customers, a reconquest of British tourists despite economic challenges and Brexit, as well as the consolidation of American clientele. A significant recovery in business tourism is also expected, aiming to regain pre-crisis levels,” announces Guy Antognelli.

However, the goal is not to attract more visitors but to continue offering an exceptional experience. At the beginning of this year, attention will focus on reconquering Asia, heavily impacted by Covid. An increase in attendance from China and the Middle East is already observed. “It is essential to promote Monaco’s attractions and highlight the excellence of its tourism offering,” concludes the Director of Tourism and Congress of Monaco.

Read also: weekend events on the French Riviera

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