Pubblicato il 27 March 2024 da Redazione in Actuality, Actuality in Monaco, Monaco

Monaco Women Forum | e4life, the first device capable of neutralizing Covid and influenza viruses

Harmless to humans and animals, e4life instantly neutralizes the viral load with over 90% efficiency and a propagation speed equal to that of light, creating a "cloud of safety" in the environment.
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Immagine Monaco Women Forum | e4life, the first device capable of neutralizing Covid and influenza viruses

The population demonstrates an increasingly growing awareness and attention towards respiratory diseases and the associated risks. The data is clear: every year, there are a billion cases of influenza, over 60 million infections from respiratory viruses (Source: European Respiratory Society – ERS and BARI study – Burden of Acute Respiratory Infections). The market has responded with an increase in proposals for various types of disinfection and purification devices.

Among the most recent and innovative solutions is e4life, a device available in environmental (e4ambient) and portable (e4you) versions that utilizes e4shield technology to inactivate and neutralize viruses present in the air. The technology, stemming from an Italian patent, doesn’t use chemical agents or filtering materials but relies on the transmission of electromagnetic waves capable of inactivating the viral load in aerosols with over 90% efficiency and with a propagation speed equal to that of light, making viral inactivation almost instantaneous.

e4life, launched by the joint venture between ELT Group, a global leader in electronic defense systems for over 70 years, and Lendlease, specialized in large-scale urban regeneration projects, was present in Monte Carlo during the Monaco Women Forum: environmental devices neutralized any viruses present during the event dedicated to the theme of Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity. “During our events where we addressed the themes of technology and cybersecurity, we were pleased to be able to rely on e4life and its devices, which allowed us to neutralize viruses present in the air, protecting the health of the public,” said Cinzia Colman, President of the Monte Carlo Woman of the Year Award.

Vincenzo Pompa, CEO of e4life, and Domitilla Benigni, CEO and COO of ELT Group, were present at the event.

e4life: certified effectiveness

e4life demonstrates a tested effectiveness of over 90% and instant neutralizing action; there’s no need to evacuate places as it is harmless to humans and animals. The electromagnetic impulses it uses are safe, with power lower than that of a normal cell phone or Wi-Fi network. This applies both to the domestic version of the device, which acts on a surface of 50 square meters, and to the portable version, certified CE and SAR. Therefore, it is guaranteed that it can be worn safely for as long as necessary.

The technology used in e4life devices has also undergone rigorous scientific testing and certification by the Military Hospital of Celio, the independent institute ViroStatics, and a recent study published by the European Society of Medicine (Source:, an association of doctors, researchers, and professionals from around the world united with the goal of promoting health and health equity globally.

Furthermore, e4shield technology has recently been the subject of a testing campaign conducted by the Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences of the University of Milan (Italy): bioaerosol systems were recreated in a controlled laboratory environment where SARS-CoV-2 viruses and those representative of seasonal influenza (H1N1) were exposed for a period to the radiations generated by a prototype of the e4shield device, using the SRET (Structure Resonant Energy Transfer) phenomenology. The results obtained confirm those already observed during previous testing campaigns, demonstrating extraordinary effectiveness, close to 90%.

Therefore, the effectiveness of e4life is currently certified against Covid, including variants, and seasonal influenza, but its technology is continuously evolving and adaptable to an increasing number of viruses and, in the near future, to other microorganisms. Thanks to continuous scientific research, in fact, the devices will expand the number and type of pathogens they are capable of inactivating.

Through the e4life application for Android/iOS Apple systems, it’s possible to download periodic updates of the device and manage one or more devices simultaneously.