Pubblicato il 6 May 2024 da Redazione in Events, Monaco

7th International Rose Competition: Vote and Award the Public Prize

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Immagine 7th International Rose Competition: Vote and Award the Public Prize

The Association of Friends of the Roseraie Princesse Grace, chaired by Mr. Yves Piaget, in partnership with the Urban Development Department (DAU), organizes the 7th edition of the International Rose Competition, within the Roseraie Princesse Grace. For the first time this year, the 75 varieties of roses have been locally grown to avoid any transportation, by the gardeners of the DAU at the Saint Laurent d’Eze Nursery using a 100% organic process. They have been evaluated by the International Jury according to multiple criteria such as the number of flowers, the number of weeks of blooming, disease resistance, fragrance, rose quality (color, reblooming, floriferousness…), foliage, and plant vigor. This morning, the International Jury* gathered at the Roseraie Princesse Grace for a final examination of the roses before deliberating and sharing a convivial moment with the members of the Association of Friends of the Roseraie, the DAU, and the participants in competition. It is thus the rose JEAN CARLES® EVEpiweet, from EVE – RATEAU (France) competing in the “Hybrid Tea” category under No. 10, that has won the prestigious PIAGET ROSE Trophy, offered by the Piaget Manufacture, and the Perfume Cup, offered by the Municipality of Monaco. The rose MADAME® EVEvilady, from the breeder EVE – RATEAU (France) competing under No. 36, in the “Multiple Flowers” category, has won the Hearts of the Friends of the Roseraie Princesse Grace and the gold medal in its category. To complete the list of winners of this 7th International Rose Competition: the rose No. 27, ORANGE SUNRISE® from the Danish breeder ROSES FOREVER in the “Hybrid Tea” category; the rose No. 68: PASHMINA® KORjeafra, from the German breeder KORDES ROSES, for the “Ground Cover” category, and the rose ROSA BONHEUR® SIRjoie, from the French breeder SCEA SIRPHE, bearing No. 77 in the “Miniature” category have won the gold medal in their respective categories. One prize remains to be awarded: yours! Indeed, for the third consecutive year, the public is invited to participate in the Jury of the International Rose Competition by electing their favorite rose via social media.

You have from May 3 to June 16, 2024, to make your voice heard: the rose that receives the most “likes” on its picture will be awarded the Public Prize on June 19, 2024. Until then, we invite you to stroll through the paths of the Roseraie to admire the roses in person!

*Members of the International Jury:

  • Lluis Abad GARCIA (Barcelona Rose Competition)
  • Daniel BOULENS (Lyon Rose Competition)
  • Maryvonne SKORINTSCHOUK (Saverne Rose Competition)
  • Hugues RUBATTEL (Nyon Rose Competition – Switzerland)
  • Jean Pierre LELIEVRE (Bagatelle Rose Competition – Paris)
  • Emmanuel DELHOVE (Le Roeulx Rose Competition – Belgium)
  • Markus BRUNSING (Baden Baden Rose Competition)
  • Cécilia CASIRAGHI (Garden Club)
  • Françoise GAMERDINGER (Department of Cultural Affairs)
  • Mireille STEIL (WFRS- European Representative)
  • Henrianne de BRIEY (WFRS – Past President)
  • Marga VERWER (WFRS- International Trial Officer)
  • Jean Bernard FOROT (Piaget Manufacture)

Fiche technique 7e Concours de roses – mai 2024