Pubblicato il 17 October 2024 da Redazione in Antibes, Events

Weekend Events of October 19th and 20th, 2024 in Antibes

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Immagine Weekend Events of October 19th and 20th, 2024 in Antibes

Weekend Events in Antibes

Antibes Wine and Gastronomy Fair

The Kiwanis Club of Antibes Juan les Pins is organizing its 16th Wine and Gastronomy Fair in support of children, in line with its motto “serving the children of the world.”
This event represents an important moment that helps raise a significant portion of the funds that will be redistributed through our social and cultural actions in favor of children.

National Architecture Day

On the occasion of the National Architecture Days, two free tours will be offered:

  • From 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
    Journey to Cap d’Antibes with the city’s consulting architect.
    Departure from Boulevard Edouard Baudoin, next to Cap d’Antibes Beach Hotel.
  • From 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
    Guided tour: “The Defensive Architecture of Antibes.”
    Duration: 1h30.
    Departure from the Antibes Tourist Office, 2 rue Fontvieille.

Limited places. Maximum of 20 people.

Les Casemates de la Création

  • Exhibition from September 7 to October 12
    Sacred Earth
    Marcel GIRAUD – Athena JAHANTIGH – Geneviève FABRE
    As part of the National Ceramics Days – in partnership with Id d’Argile and Terres de Provence.
  • From October 2 to October 30
    A Rainbow World by Claire TOSTAIN
    Casemate Thuret: Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM; Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM.AQUATIC REFLECTION, sculptures and watercolors by Armelle Depoux
    Casemate Conte: Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Festival Coul’Heures d’Automne

The Coul’Heures d’Automne Festival is an event initiated by the Label Note association, which runs the Centre d’Art Urbain et Musical La sChOOL and the Nuits Carrées Festival in Antibes.
This unique event on the French Riviera aims to promote urban art and engage residents in a series of creative processes, offering a different perspective on our environment and the place of art in public spaces. Large-scale mural performances, installations, participatory workshops, and meetings will take place in the city of Antibes Juan les Pins during the 15 days of the All Saints’ Day holidays!

Without All the Ceremony

As a coastal and border city, Antibes has long had to defend itself, and much of its heritage is directly inherited from this context.
The Saracen towers, the old Grimaldi castle, the Fort Carré, the walls of the Saint-Jaume bastion to the Saint-André bastion, are all markers in our urban landscape of a violent reality, the fear of attacks, looting, bombings – in one word, war.
But what is war?
This year, the programming at Fort Carré offers perspectives and reflections on commitment, the duty of memory, and the traumas it generates: thematic tours, workshops, café-museums for discussions, a cinema visit featuring Roberto Rossellini’s Paisà, and a theatrical walk in collaboration with the Conservatory of Music and Dramatic Art of Antibes.

INFO: +33 (0)4 92 90 52 13

In the Woods – Exhibition

Pauline Kalioujny is a French, Russian, and Ukrainian painter, author, and illustrator. Through this exhibition, Anne Frank sets the stage for her fascinating world for both children and adults.
Trained at the Paris School of Decorative Arts, Pauline Kalioujny writes and illustrates books, while also practicing engraving, drawing, and painting. In her books, she enjoys working on the connections between words, images, and nature. She observes and draws animals of all kinds, developing a personal repertoire of forms, colors, and symbols. Among her most famous works are Un jardin en hiver, Promenons-nous dans les bois by Thierry Magnier Editions, Mon beau sapin from Seuil Jeunesse, and more recently L’isba de la mouche with Manga.


Do you like art? Have you heard of Aquagravure?
In Antibes, in the heart of the French Riviera, a unique and singular exhibition features prestigious artists. They have worked with a process invented by Bernard PRAS.
Vernissage on Friday, May 3 from 6:00 PM with the presence of Thierry LACAN from the Estampe de Strasbourg and artist Bernard ALLIGAND.

Joan Miró. Masterpieces from the Nahmad Collection

From June 30 to January 12

The Picasso Museum is offering a unique experience: showcasing twelve masterful works by Joan Miró, from one of the most important private collections in the world, the Nahmad Collection.
Miró is at home here, as a guest in the house of his friend. Because the friendship that, since their first meeting in Paris in 1920, linked the two artists throughout their lives, was also a catalyst for their creative passion.
The rooms host just one or two works at a time. Unlike the traditional exhibition that gathers and associates, it is no longer about accumulation but about the concentration and reception of the object in its singularity for contemplation and interpretation.

INFO: +33 (0)4 92 90 54 20


The Postcard Museum presents a temporary exhibition of old postcards featuring cats.
Domestic animals have often been used to illustrate postcards, and cats are among the most frequent. Photographers and illustrators have provided numerous images, from big cats sleeping on a comfy pillow to kittens.
These illustrations appear on postcards and wall calendars distributed by mail carriers. In both cases, these images remain on display for several months (especially the calendars). These naturalistic scenes have a calming, even beneficial effect on their viewers.
Outside of any religious or political intent, the presence of animals that accompany our daily lives offers a sense of reassurance.

Antibéa Theatre

In the heart of old Antibes since 1989, the Antibéa Theatre celebrates its 35th anniversary this year.

Key September highlights:

  • Open Day for the School of Dramatic Arts, Saturday, September 7 from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
  • September 15 at 7:00 PM: Season 2024-2025 presentation cocktail (free entry upon reservation).

From September 20 to October 6:
The Iliad… The Assault, a work by Homer adapted by Bruno Marques and directed by Jean-François Buisson.
Production: Antibéa Comedy of Antibes.
Performances: Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 PM / Sundays at 4:00 PM.

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