On March 6, 2025, H.E. Mr. Gabriel REVEL, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Monaco to the Council of Europe, deposited the Instrument of Ratification of the Protocol amending the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, known as Convention 108, with Mr. Bjorn BERGE, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
Monaco has been a Party to Convention 108 and its Additional Protocol since 2009 and signed the Protocol of Amendment on October 18, 2018, the day it was opened for signature.
To date, Convention 108 remains the only universally binding international legal instrument on the protection of personal data. It is open not only to member states of the Council of Europe but also to all countries worldwide.
The Protocol of Amendment ratified by the Principality, known as Convention 108+, modernizes this text to adapt it to the new technological realities of modern society.
This ratification follows the vote by the National Council on Law No. 1.566 of December 3, 2024, approving the ratification of the said Protocol, and Law No. 1.565 of the same day on the protection of personal data, which made it possible to meet the requirements of Convention 108+, ensuring compliance.
Monaco is the 33rd state to ratify the Protocol. Five more ratifications are needed to reach the required threshold for the entry into force of Convention 108+ (38 ratifications).