The Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women’s Rights presented its sixth annual activity report during its plenary meeting, which brought together representatives of Monegasque institutions, the Directorate of Judicial Services, state services, and associations working for women’s rights.
Chaired by Isabelle BERRO-AMADEÏ, the actions of this Committee, established in 2018, are now recognized in the Principality and firmly embedded in the public space of Monaco. They have also been praised by international bodies tasked with evaluating the Principality in the areas of combating violence against women and gender equality.
During this plenary meeting, which began with a minute of silence in tribute to H.E. Didier GUILLAUME, the Interministerial Delegate for Women’s Rights, Céline COTTALORDA, reviewed the main achievements of 2024:
• Two collective awareness campaigns: the March 8th “POWHER” campaign, which gathered all actors committed to equality, and the November 25th campaign that helped raise awareness about invisible violence through a digital book and a week of conferences;
• The creation of a scale of violence to measure violence in couples and in relationships among young people;
• The training of 94 professionals dealing with domestic violence and 218 government officials and agents against workplace sexism.
She reminded everyone that “since 2018, the committee has helped anchor the issue of women’s rights in Monaco’s public space” and that “even though we talk about women and their rights, one of the priority challenges is to involve men even more in this cause.”
Thus, the main areas of focus for 2025 will be:
• Continue engaging men and the general public
• Deepen understanding of wage disparities
• Continue expanding joint actions
In conclusion, Isabelle BERRO-AMADEÏ recalled that, globally, poverty, conflicts, humanitarian crises, all forms of violence, inequalities, lack of access to social protection, education, and the labor market create unacceptable vulnerabilities.
She thanked all the actors and members of the Committee for their mobilization, actions, and ongoing commitment to gender equality between women and men.
The next Committee meeting is scheduled for Saturday, March 8th, for International Women’s Rights Day, which will take place all day at the Léo Ferré space.
Information and download of the activity report: