Pubblicato il 24 September 2024 da Redazione in Events, Monaco

Screening of the documentary “The Flame of Peace – Peace and Sport Around the World”

The documentary has been released since Saturday, September 21.
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Immagine Screening of the documentary “The Flame of Peace – Peace and Sport Around the World”

This Thursday evening, the screening of the Peace and Sport documentary “The Flame of Peace” took place at the Théâtre Princesse Grace in the presence of H.S.H. Prince Albert II; Joël BOUZOU, Founder and President of Peace and Sport; Marlène NIDECKER, Representative of the Champions for Peace and Olympic medalist in taekwondo; Jean-Jérôme PERRIN-MORTIER, Director General of Peace and Sport, and numerous officials from the Principality.

This 52-minute documentary, produced by the Directorate of Communication of the Princely Government, provides insight into the genesis of this unique organization by highlighting its history, successes, challenges, and the human connections behind each project.

“Sport is much more than entertainment; it is a solution, a vector of peace based on fairness and respect. This vision, shared with H.S.H. Prince Albert II, is illustrated in this documentary through the concrete actions carried out around the world,” said Joël Bouzou.

For one year, a team from Monaco Info followed Peace and Sport on its training and advocacy missions across the globe. From Monaco to the Middle East, Latin America, India, and the African continent, this documentary sheds light on the work of Peace and Sport.

“The idea behind this documentary was to use our expertise to serve a vision—H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince’s vision of sport as a tool for peace and development: letting people know what we do is to demonstrate by evidence,” explained Geneviève Berti, Director of Communications, at the end of the screening.

The testimonials enhance a story that began in Monaco in 2007 and is now written across the world. Beneficiaries of the Peace and Sport methodology around the globe share the impact of peace ambassadors in their communities. A true diplomatic model, Peace and Sport also represents the influence of a Principality that seeks to establish itself as the world’s capital of sport in the service of peace.

Rooted in Monaco’s neutrality and based on the belief that sport can play a crucial role in promoting peace, Peace and Sport demonstrates through its global engagement that sports-based initiatives can foster social development.

The documentary has been released since Saturday, September 21, at 9:00 p.m. on Monaco Info.

Photo caption: H.S.H. Prince Albert II, surrounded by Joël BOUZOU, Founder and President of Peace and Sport, Jean-Jérôme PERRIN-MORTIER, Director General, and Geneviève Berti, Director of Communications. ©Direction de la Communication-Manuel Vitali