Pubblicato il 22 July 2024 da Redazione in Actuality, Actuality in Monaco, Monaco

The Minister of State represents Monaco at the 4th meeting of the European Political Community, at Blenheim Palace (Oxfordshire, United Kingdom)

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Immagine The Minister of State represents Monaco at the 4th meeting of the European Political Community, at Blenheim Palace (Oxfordshire, United Kingdom)

A Monegasque delegation*, led by H.E. Mr. Pierre DARTOUT, took part in the 4th meeting of the European Political Community, held yesterday at Blenheim Palace (Oxfordshire, United Kingdom), a UNESCO World Heritage site and the birthplace of former Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill.
Mr. Keir STEIMER, the British Prime Minister, welcomed over forty Heads of State and Government, the President of the European Council, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the Secretary General of NATO, the Secretary General of the OSCE, as well as the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
All European leaders reiterated their support for Ukraine. As in previous editions, the aim of this summit was to strengthen cohesion and cooperation among all European countries on current issues such as migration, the preservation of democracy, and energy security. H.E. Mr. Pierre DARTOUT particularly participated in a round table on the theme of “energy and connectivity” and had the opportunity to recall that “to overcome the energy crisis, it is necessary to work towards diversifying energy sources. However, we must not lose sight of the fight against climate change.”
The Minister of State also took this opportunity to talk with his counterparts from Andorra and San Marino, in order to reaffirm the bonds of friendship and cooperation that unite the three States, as well as with Mr. Robert ABELA, the Prime Minister of Malta.
At the end of the day, His Majesty King Charles III received all the leaders for a reception.
The next edition of the European Political Community will be held in November 2024, in Budapest, under the Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union.