Pubblicato il 17 October 2024 da Redazione in Events, Meton

Weekend Events of October 19th and 20th, 2024 in Menton

What to do on the weekend in Menton? Here are the events of the weekend in the Ville de Menton
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Immagine Weekend Events of October 19th and 20th, 2024 in Menton

Weekend Events Menton, Discover Them All!!

National Action Days Against Illiteracy

As part of the Journées Nationales d’Action contre l’Illettrisme (National Action Days Against Illiteracy), in collaboration with the Soroptimist Club of Menton, the library offers two shows for children and two treasure hunts.

Saturday, October 19

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Theater “Le canard qui avait un bec de lièvre” (The Duck with a Hare’s Beak) by Compagnie Dessous de Scène. Registration required from age 5.

11:00 AM – 12:15 PM Treasure Hunt: followed by a writing workshop for children aged 7-11 (report on a book).

2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Theater “Le roman de Renart” by Compagnie Dessous de Scène. Registration required from age 7.

3:30 PM – 4:30 PM Treasure Hunt followed by a writing workshop for children aged 7-11 (to write about a book). Registration required at 04 92 41 76 60.

Défi Rose – Action for the Prevention and Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

On the occasion of the ‘Pink October’ campaign, a month promoting breast cancer diagnosis, we invite you to participate on Sunday, October 20, 2024, in the 8th Pink Challenge, a solidarity walk/run of 5 km accessible to all!!!

Saturday, October 20

Jews and Muslims from Colonial France to Today. More History, Less Cliché

This exhibition offers a calm look at a often caricatured history. Through knowledge and understanding of this shared history, this plural memory aims to contribute to coexistence.

From October 1 to 24

A Casa dou Païgran – Exhibition: Menton Through Time

A small museum on the life of the Mentonese in the 19th century and the exhibition “Menton Through Time.”

In an apartment in the old town, step back into the 19th century to see the houses with tools and furniture from the past. The exhibition “Menton Through Time” will reveal the evolution of our beautiful city.

Mediterranean Landscapes by Gianne de Genevraye Vernissage

International painter Gianne de Genevraye paints public gardens in Europe, Japan, Mexico, the UK, and the USA. A contemporary painter of nature, she exhibits extensively, and her works are featured in prestigious collections.

Exhibition: The Castle of Illusions

In this third Menton-themed part on the castle (alluding to the bastion), the red thread of this new exhibition of Jean Cocteau’s works will connect to the universe of the performances of the prince of poets: theater, music hall, and pantomime… It will be an opportunity to present the “sacred monsters” who were close to him: Jean Marais, Edith Piaf, Berthe Bovy, Suzy Solidor… Fascinated by the circus since childhood, Cocteau never stopped rewriting this magic in his work. The exhibition, curated by Dominique Marny, will be designed by Frédéric Beauclair.

At: Musée Jean Cocteau—le Bastion Quai Napoléon III
Info and Reservations: 04 89 81 52

Guided Tour of Le Bastion, Jean Cocteau Museum

The ancient military fort, built during the reign of Prince Honoré II to prevent Barbary incursions, was invested in the 1960s by artist Jean Cocteau. The prince of poets created his museum here…

Individual guided tours:
Every Monday and Friday at 2:30 PM (except February 22 and March 1)
€3 + entry ticket, free for children under 14.
Please note: no guided tours on days when the museum is free (Heritage Days, etc.).
Group visits by reservation:
Up to 20 people: €90 + entry fee
From 21 to 30 people: €120 + entry fee
From 31 to 55 people: €156 + entry fee

Visit and Tasting of Mentonnaise Craft Beers

Looking for an original experience in the world of craft beer?
Come discover La Mentounasc, the first Menton brewery! Scheduled: guided tour, immersion in the world of brewing, and tasting of our lemon beers…

La Mentounasc is the story of Alexis, Rémi, and Anthony, three friends passionate about beer and their region who decided to dive into the world of craft beers and participate in this rapidly growing sector.
Are you curious and love beer? Come share a moment of conviviality with us!
Scheduled: guided tour of the brewery, immersion in the world of brewing, and free tasting of our sunny beers.
Mentone IGP lemon, orange blossom, lime; our beers with their subtle and balanced aromas will offer you a moment of sharing the freshness of the Mentonnais region.
Prerequisite: Tasting is reserved for those over 18.

At: La Mentounasc – Brasserie Artisanale 13 Route de Sospel
Info and Reservations: 06 58 14 69

Antiques from the Louvre

In the heart of Menton, discover a permanent bookstore-broker in the Hôtel des Ambassadeurs, rich in antique objects, modern and ancient books, various items, and manuscripts.

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