Pubblicato il 27 June 2024 da Redazione in Antibes, Events

Events of the Weekend of June 29th and 30th, 2024 in Antibes

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Immagine Events of the Weekend of June 29th and 30th, 2024 in Antibes

Events of the Weekend in Antibes

Transartcafé Exhibition

“Concorde” brings together Matthieu Astoux and Jacques Lavigne, Antibes artists, and Patrick Rosiu from Vence. Recent works. Opening on May 31st at 6 PM

Olympic and Paralympic Torches from 1936 to 2022

Starting from June 18th, the Espace Culturel des Arcades hosts the exhibition “Olympic and Paralympic Torches from 1936 to Today”. A collection of over 130 items related to the history of the Olympics, thanks to the Greek private collector, Stratos Klimou. The ties between Antibes and its twin city Olympia have made it possible to hold this exceptional exhibition during the peak of the Olympic Games in Paris. You can admire 41 Olympic and Paralympic torches, including the one from the 1936 Berlin Games, an Olympic altar from the ship used to transport the flame, a priestess dress from the flame lighting ceremony in Olympia, champion medals, and many other memories, symbols of the Games’ history.

From June 18th to July 28th, Free Entry.

Festivities on the Plateau de la Garoupe!

Music, tastings, art… Rediscover a village atmosphere, somewhat old-fashioned and so warm on the Plateau de la Garoupe

La Guinguette de la Garoupe from 6:00 PM: May 8th, June 10th, July 8th and 22nd (as part of the Nights of the Garoupe), August 12th and 26th (Night of the Garoupe) and June 9th

Contemporary Art Expo

On June 15th from 11 AM to 10 PM and June 16th from 10 AM to 5 PM

From May 8th, 2024 to September 9th, 2024

Sports!! Claude Serre

In 2018, the museum proposed a wide thematic retrospective from which sports were strangely excluded. It would have been a shame to continue to deprive ourselves of it. Olympic year, 2024 corrects this injustice. Here again is this sarcastic, subversive, whimsical, brilliant genius. He remains, as sports like to quote records, the cartoonist who has sold the most albums worldwide with his title Humour noir et hommes en blanc. A gold medal, then. Coluche would have had fun throwing him without a doubt a crunchy and invigorating “Sports!!”.

INFO: +33 (0)4 92 90 54 29 / 30

Joan Miró. Masterpieces from the Nahmad Collection

The Picasso Museum offers a unique experience: presenting twelve masterpieces by Joan Miró, from one of the world’s most important private collections, the Nahmad collection. Miró is here at home, like a guest in his friend’s house. Because the friendship that, from their first meeting in Paris in 1920, bound the two artists for life, was also a ferment of their creative passion. The rooms host only one work, sometimes two. Unlike the traditional exhibition that gathers and associates, it is no longer about accumulation, but about concentration and reception of the object in its singularity for contemplation and interpretation.

From June 4th to June 29th, 2024 Installation of the summer exhibition and closure of the first floor. Discounted entrance with access to the second floor, ground floor, and terrace.

INFO: +33 (0)4 92 90 54 20

Without all the ceremonial

As a maritime and frontier city, Antibes has long had to defend itself, and much of its heritage is directly inherited from this context. The Saracen towers, the ancient Grimaldi castle, the Fort Carré, the walls of the bastion Saint-Jaume at the bastion Saint-André, are all markers in our urban planning of a violent reality, of fear of assaults, looting, bombings, in a word, war. But what is war? The Fort Carré programming proposes this year points of view, reflections on commitment, on the duty of memory, on the traumas it generates: thematic visits, workshops, museum cafes to discuss, a cinema visit around Paisà by Roberto Rossellini, and a theatricalized walk in collaboration with the Conservatory of Music and Dramatic Art of Antibes.

INFO: +33 (0)4 92 90 52 13

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