Pubblicato il 24 September 2024 da Redazione in Actuality, Actuality in Monaco, Monaco

The Minister of State chairs his first meeting of the Coordination and Monitoring Committee for the national strategy against money laundering.

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Immagine The Minister of State chairs his first meeting of the Coordination and Monitoring Committee for the national strategy against money laundering.

On Friday, September 20, the Minister of State chaired for the first time a meeting of the First Board of the Coordination and Monitoring Committee for the national strategy against money laundering, terrorist financing, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and corruption. Attending for the first time were Samuel VUELTA SIMON, Lionel BEFFRE, and Eric ARELLA.
Surrounded by numerous dignitaries, Didier GUILLAUME expressed his gratitude to all involved for the quality and significance of the progress made since the adoption of the mutual evaluation report by the MONEYVAL Committee in December 2022.
The Minister of State emphasized the many legislative and regulatory reforms enacted in just a few months, the development and implementation of a comprehensive national strategy, the improvement of cooperation both nationally and internationally, the creation of new authorities (A.M.S.F. and the Asset Management Service for Seized or Confiscated Property), as well as the increase in investigations into money laundering cases, in line with Monaco’s risk profile and the enhancement of financial transparency.
These developments undeniably demonstrate that the fight against money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation is a national priority, reflecting the collective will of the Authorities to safeguard the integrity of Monaco’s economic and financial system, in line with the directives regularly reiterated by H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince since his accession in 2005.
During this session, the Committee unanimously adopted the mandate of the newly established Permanent Secretariat. This is the Committee’s permanent technical, administrative, and operational body.
An interministerial task force coordinates the implementation of the National Strategy by each entity, ensuring cross-sectoral exchanges and the monitoring of work.
The Minister of State reminded the group of the FATF Action Plan requirements, which must be implemented by the Principality within the 18-month timeframe set to meet the established goals.
Didier GUILLAUME called for the continued mobilization and ongoing commitment of all Executive actors.