Pubblicato il 29 July 2024 da Redazione in Actuality, Actuality in Monaco, Monaco

Monaco participates in the ministerial conference “Sport Changes the Game” at UNESCO.

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Immagine Monaco participates in the ministerial conference “Sport Changes the Game” at UNESCO.

Mr. Patrice Cellario, Government Counselor-Minister of the Interior, took part in the ministerial conference organized by UNESCO entitled “Sport Changes the Game” on July 24, 2024, in Paris, accompanied by H.E. Ms. Anne-Marie Boisbouvier, Ambassador, and members of the Monegasque permanent delegation.

In his speech, Mr. Patrice Cellario recalled the Princely Government’s commitment to promoting sport and physical education through strong public policies, particularly in the field of education and associations. Monaco spoke during a panel on the role of teachers in transmitting values through sport. Mr. Patrice Cellario also emphasized that Monaco will be the capital of sport in 2025. The actions of the Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women’s Rights, the Monegasque NGO Peace and Sport, the National Olympic Committee (CNO), and the Monegasque Anti-Doping Committee (CMA) were also highlighted. This panel, moderated by Ms. Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, also included the Ministers of the Republic of Ireland, Mr. David Byrne, South Africa, Mr. Gayton Mckenzie, Haiti, Ms. Nyola Lynn Sarah Devalis Octavius, the president of the 9th session of the Conference of the Parties to the International Convention against Doping in Sport, Mr. Matar Ba, as well as athletes such as Raï Vieira de Oliviera, footballer, and Katharina Fritsch, Head of Community and Membership at FC Nuremberg.

The ministerial conference, opened by Mr. Edouard Matoko, Assistant Director-General for External Relations of UNESCO on behalf of the Director-General of UNESCO, brought together a hundred Ministers of Sport and athletes on the occasion of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. Roundtables focused on the links between UNESCO’s values and themes and sport.

This day also allowed Mr. Patrice Cellario to exchange views with his fellow Ministers from the Principality of Andorra, San Marino, Ireland, Italy, Madagascar, Luxembourg, and footballer Raï Vieira de Oliviera.

Monaco has been a member of UNESCO for 75 years. Monaco supports the sports section of UNESCO, which works to implement public policies for physical education and sport. Furthermore, the Principality ratified the International Convention against Doping in Sport in 2007.