Pubblicato il 8 April 2024 da Redazione in Actuality, Monaco

Military ceremony for the presentation of the white kepis of the Foreign Legion

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Immagine Military ceremony for the presentation of the white kepis of the Foreign Legion

A military ceremony took place in the Palace Square on Thursday, April 4, 2024, as part of the presentation of the white kepis to volunteer recruits, in the presence of S.A.S. the Sovereign Prince and General Cyrille YOUCHTCHENKO, commander of the Foreign Legion. The presence of the Foreign Legion is part of the historical ties linking this Unit to the Principality of Monaco since the reign of Prince Louis II. After a sixty-kilometer march in combat uniform, the 59 volunteer recruits incorporated 30 days prior into the 2nd Company of the 4th Foreign Regiment based in Castelnaudary participated in the traditional ceremony of presenting the famous white kepi by singing the legionnaire’s code of honor. This ceremony brought together over 180 legionnaires, including the musicians of the Foreign Legion Music, a Pioneer platoon, a delegation from the Legion headquarters, and the flags of the Legion’s Associations.

Links between the Principality and the Foreign Legion:

After Saint-Cyr (1891-1893), Crown Prince Louis was assigned to the 1st Foreign Regiment and detached to the 2nd Chasseurs d’Afrique, then to the 3rd, until 1899. He volunteered during the 1914-1918 war and was assigned to the staff of the Vth army. In 1919, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel in the 1st Foreign Regiment, then colonel in 1921. On April 29 and 30, 1931, Prince Louis II participated in the celebrations of the centenary of the Foreign Legion in Sidi-bel-Abbès. He was appointed an honorary corporal of the 1st Foreign Regiment in May. By Sovereign Order of May 15, 1934, Prince Louis II conferred the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Saint Charles on the standard of the 1st Battalion (former 6th) of the 1st Foreign Legion Regiment. In 1936, the Minister of War of the French Republic conferred on Prince Louis II the Cross of Voluntary Combatant with the title of Foreign Legion. In November 1937, Prince Louis II was appointed an honorary sergeant of the 1st Foreign Regiment. From June 25 to 30, 1947, the music and honor section of the Foreign Legion participated in the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the reign of Prince Louis II in Monaco. The city of Monaco was then appointed an honorary first-class legionnaire. On this occasion, he was promoted to honorary sergeant major of the 1st Foreign Regiment. In 1949, during the funeral of Prince Louis II, the flag of the Foreign Legion and its honor guard were present in the procession. A legionnaire carried the military medal of the Prince. In 1974, the music of the Foreign Legion held a concert in Palace Square to mark the 25th anniversary of the reign of Prince Rainier III.

List of Present Authorities:

➢ Members of S.A.S. the Prince’s Family:

  • Madame Mélanie-Antoinette de MASSY
  • Mr. Andrea CASIRAGHI
  • Mr. Pierre CASIRAGHI

➢ French Authorities:

  • H.E. Mr. Jean d’HAUSSONVILLE, Ambassador of France to Monaco
  • Mr. Xavier RONSIN, Justice Advisor to President Emmanuel MACRON

➢ Monegasque Authorities:

  • Mr. Pierre DARTOUT, Minister of State
  • Mr. Michel BOERI, President of the Crown Council
  • Her Excellency Mrs. Yvette LAMBIN-BERTI, State Secretary
  • Mr. Christophe STEINER, Chief of Staff to S.A.S. the Prince
  • Mr. Patrice CELLARIO, Government Counselor-Minister of the Interior
  • Mrs. Camille SVARA, Deputy Mayor
  • Colonel Bruno PHILIPONNAT, Mission Chargé of S.A.S. the Prince

➢ Guests of the Foreign Legion:

  • Mr. Patrick MAUGARD, Mayor of Castelnaudary (1CL of honor)
  • Mrs. BUISSON, Godmother of the 4th Foreign Regiment (1CL of honor)
  • Mr. BOUCHARD, photographer (1CL of honor)
  • Lieutenant Colonel (retired) STEVENAZZI of the 3rd DIV
  • Mr. BOURGERON, patron of the Foreign Legion
  • Wives of General YOUCHTCHENKO and Colonel MESMAY
  • Delegations of the Friends of the Foreign Legion with their flags