The Advisory Commission on Public Interest Archives (CCAIP), established by the Sovereign Ordinance of March 25, 2021, relating to public interest archives, met for the fourth time on Tuesday, January 28, at the Ministry of State, chaired by Jean-Charles CURAU and in the presence of Mr. Marc VASSALLO, Secretary General of the Government.
The activity report for 2024 of the Mission for the Prefiguration of the National Archives (MPAN) and the Central Service for Archives and Administrative Documentation (SCADA), which is affiliated with it, was presented to the members of the Commission.
The members of the Commission were able to observe the wide variety of actions carried out last year by these two entities of the Princely Government.
The focus was notably placed on the significant progress made in terms of training opportunities for archivists in the Principality, as well as the collection of private archives, both free of charge and for a fee, digitization, restoration, and inventorying of preserved materials.
Additionally, during the session, the recent deposit of part of the historical heritage archives of the National Council with the MPAN was announced. This follows a first deposit made last year by the Monaco Scientific Centre. These are the first deposits of public archives not belonging to the Executive and mark an important step in the National Archives project.
Discussions are ongoing with other major institutions in the Principality. The mission of the MPAN and the National Archives project is indeed to go far beyond the archives of the Executive alone, with the aim of creating a common house open to various archive producers, especially public ones, in Monaco. These first deposits are a strong symbol of this collective project.
In addition to the presentation of the activity report, the discussions were rich and addressed various issues, including the management of municipal archives during an in-depth presentation by municipal archivists, but also the necessary articulation between the protection of personal data and heritage archives, particularly regarding the preservation of personal data of historical, scientific, statistical, etc., value to be passed on to future generations.
The Commission adopted several recommendations, including those aimed at further modernizing public and parapublic archives.