Pubblicato il 11 March 2025 da Redazione in Actuality, Actuality in Monaco, Monaco

Christophe Robino, sponsor of the 2024-2027 IFSI cohort

The nursing students of the 2024-2027 cohort met their class sponsor, Christophe ROBINO, Government Advisor – Minister of Social Affairs and Health.
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Immagine Christophe Robino, sponsor of the 2024-2027 IFSI cohort

This Thursday, the nursing students of the 2024-2027 cohort met their class sponsor, Christophe ROBINO, Government Advisor – Minister of Social Affairs and Health, during a reception held at the Monaco Nursing Training Institute (IFSI).

Recognized for the quality of its teaching and its high-level academic standards, the Monaco Nursing Training Institute is training 32 students in this cohort, mainly from the PACA region.

With his extensive experience as the former Head of the Medical Specialties Hemodialysis Department at the Princess Grace Hospital Center in Monaco, Mr. Christophe Robino has an in-depth knowledge of the CHPG and a well-informed vision of Monaco’s healthcare system.
His commitment to healthcare and his expertise make him a sponsor who is both realistic about the challenges of the profession and aware of the issues this cohort will face throughout their journey.

“Being alongside the 2024-2027 IFSI cohort is a privilege. You are at the heart of the care pathway and embody the essential values of professionalism, attentiveness, and humanity for patients. Thanks to IFSI, you are trained under exceptional conditions, and your integration into Monaco’s medical DNA will contribute fully to the quality and excellence of the care you will provide as future healthcare professionals,” declared Mr. Christophe Robino.

During this official ceremony at IFSI, the Government Advisor – Minister of Social Affairs and Health emphasized the fundamental role of students within Monaco’s healthcare ecosystem and the opportunities available to them, knowing that 80% of graduates will join CHPG at the end of their training.