Pubblicato il 8 July 2024 da Redazione in Actuality, Actuality in Monaco, Monaco

2nd edition of the Ocean Space Forum

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Immagine 2nd edition of the Ocean Space Forum

On July 2nd, the Bureau of Space Affairs of the Princely Government, in collaboration with the French National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) and the French newspace company Prométhée Earth Intelligence, organized the second edition of the Ocean Space Forum (OSF), dedicated to enhancing space technologies and satellite observation data for the preservation and sustainable management of the ocean. The Forum was held for the second consecutive year at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco and focused on the theme “Road to UNOC,” in anticipation of the third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC) in June 2025, during which the third edition of the OSF will also take place. This second edition of the OSF brought together, at the intersection of the fields of space and the ocean, scientific, political, and economic personalities, representing governments, institutions, and international bodies, around round tables exploring essential topics such as:

The preservation of marine ecosystems

On this occasion, technological advances and innovative space solutions contributing to the preservation of marine ecosystems were examined. Satellite data indeed allow for monitoring the health of coral reefs, mangroves, and salt marshes, which play a vital role in carbon capture. Environmental changes can be observed in real time thanks to these technologies that promote the protection and conservation of habitats.

The development of the blue economy

The development of the blue economy was another central topic of the Forum. The integration of space technologies in the management of marine resources opens up new horizons for sustainable economic growth, including the monitoring of fishing areas, the management of marine resources, and the improvement of maritime safety.

Combating climate change and its effects on the ocean

The contribution of space technologies in collecting data related to sea level, ocean temperature, and marine currents was highlighted. This information is deemed essential for understanding the effects of climate change and developing adaptation strategies for coastal cities and vulnerable ecosystems.

The conservation of marine resources

A theme at the heart of concerns, in light of which the relevance of satellite monitoring to detect and prevent illicit activities, such as illegal fishing that threatens marine biodiversity, was assessed. The necessity of collaboration with international organizations and local agencies to strengthen ocean governance and protect resources for future generations was also emphasized.

International collaboration

An international collaboration space, the Forum hosted organizations and representatives from different countries, who shared their experiences and practices, demonstrating that space innovations can transcend borders and encourage environmental protection on a global scale; particularly aiding territories such as Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

Towards the United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC)

The second edition of the OSF is an important step towards the UNOC, whose third Conference, co-chaired by the governments of France and Costa Rica, will be held in Nice from June 9 to 14, 2025. The Conference, which will gather over 200 Heads of State and Government, will play a key role in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 14, aimed at conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas, and marine resources for development. The discussions initiated in advance prepare the ground for concrete actions and international commitments. The third edition of the OSF will be organized in parallel with the UNOC next June, to participate and contribute, through the lens of space, to addressing the crucial challenges that will be tackled during the Conference. H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince addressed the participants and speakers via a video message broadcast at the opening of the second edition of the OSF, stating: “I am pleased to know that you are gathered today in this iconic venue, the Oceanographic Museum (…). Today’s program will illustrate – I am convinced – how valuable space data can be in serving the health and sustainability of the ocean.” The Sovereign emphasized the “new surge of space technologies. They allow us to better know and understand our ocean on a global scale, and now in real-time (…). This data has never been so advanced, precise, and available, and deserves to be fully utilized to achieve our ambitious environmental goals” and concluded, “This second edition of the Ocean Space Forum builds on the success of its first edition in 2023, but is already looking ahead to the event that will be organized next year in Nice, alongside the third United Nations Ocean Conference (…). I am convinced that space has much to offer in response to the challenges of this particularly important multilateral event.” Comments supported by Mrs. Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Government Counselor-Minister of External Relations and Cooperation, and Mr. Frédéric Genta, Interministerial Delegate for Attractiveness and Digital Transition. After praising the commitment of the actors present in achieving the sustainable development goals, they expressed the hope that the Forum, working towards a synergy between space technologies and ocean-related challenges, can continue to bring them together around this noble cause. Echoing this, Mr. Jean-Marc Astorg, Director of Strategy at CNES, reaffirmed the importance of this synergy for a more responsible future for the planet, where the ocean remains the ecosystem that guarantees planetary balances, human well-being, and its future.

Finally, Mr. Olivier Piepsz, President, and Giao-Minh Nguyen, co-founder and Director of Strategy & Innovation at Prométhée Earth Intelligence, insisted on the necessary cooperation between public and private actors, particularly regarding satellite data, and the involvement of civil society to act locally, nationally, and globally, move forward and provide resilient and sustainable solutions. Thus, the third edition of the OSF in 2025, held alongside the UNOC, will be an opportunity to consider an Alliance of space institutions for the protection of the ocean.
